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Monday, September 24, 2012

You're Mommy EXtraordinare

You're Mommy Extraordinare

Master Chef, Nurse, Banker, Personal Shopper, House Cleaner, Boo Boo Kisser, Time Planner, Personal Organizer, Chauffeur, do- it yourselfer...I guarantee that, as a mom, we encompass a sliver  of ever profession out there! 
Do you ever feel like this? I don't know about you..but I sure do- and no most of the time I do not have a comically, peaceful grin as the mommy above does;-) Nor do my kiddos look as calm- haha! 
Anyways, you get the idea- Life is crazy sometimes! Running from place to place, cramming the calendar full of "to do's." I am often reminded of the words "time" and value
I love the commercial- of a mom who has found the latest dusting product and with ease she completes the task and then the music sets in..totally euphoric...and she exclaims.."I am going to read a Book! On the Porch!"   Meanwhile, the song I believe in miracles is playing in the background...cracks me up everytime!  There is something deeper here though, why is it that it is soooo hard to take a break sit down and take a minute to breathe? Why do ALL of the jobs have to be done for us to do so? Reality is that all of the jobs will never be totally done...there will always be something.  I don't know about you, but I struggle with this often.  When I really think about my sweet girls, though, do I want them to have a mommy who is stressed out, never at peace, constantly running? OR a mommy that once in a while in the midst of the chaos..kicks her feet up on that pile of laundry, with coffee/ tea/ drink etc in hand and enjoys the moment?  

Yep that's what I choose a moment in the moment. xoxo

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