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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Journey Begins

The start of the school year is upon us! The classroom has been brought to life...a vintage style red shelf hangs in the corner, the american flag is properly placed, small globes hang in the corner complimented by a map of the world inspiring our world history unit. Small touches of whimsy are sprinkled about our school room..the refinished bookcase, home-made planning board & masterpiece board (accented by my favorite green and cream fabric)...this space..our space has finally come together...it's quaint, it's cozy and a sense of family togetherness is truly inspired.  I cannot wait to get started!  

Today we begin our journey into homeschooling.  You can feel the excitement in the air! All of the planning, praying and decorating is done and it is finally here.  I have to admit when I woke up this morning..bright and early...I had to take a deep breath and say a little prayer.  This is a new journey and like any new experience it brings with it a sense of new beginnings that is so invigorating, but at the same time there is apprehension. I don't know about you, but there are days (many of them) where I feel inadequate as a mom.  I feel like I am just going through the motions..struggling with finding worth (within the family and even in business).  When we, as a family, first decided that homeschool was the correct path for us...I was unprepared for the amount of transformation and change that was going to occur with me and this is even before we got started! You see, I have had a prompting on my heart since my oldest was of school age to homeschool (3 years). To be honest, I ignored it. I was certain that these thoughts I were having were misplaced and just flat out CRAZY! Even with a teaching degree, I just didn't feel like I could do it and I carried on with my OWN way. Never-the-less..the years have come and gone and the prompting on my heart has only increase year after year.  Watching my two girls go through the schooling system over the years has only solidified this uncharted path. All of the doubts that I had, concerns and fear have subsided because I have placed my hope where it needs to be, with Christ. I know that each day with Him and the proper schedule I can do this.  So, here we are...our cozy little school room ( our dining room) is eagerly awaiting this special day.  Pancakes & smoothies are prepped, curriculum is neatly sorted and ready to go...the only thing missing are my little ones. Off I go to wake them. I hope you join me in this journey. I have a feeling that I will be learning so much more about myself than I can ever imagine. 

To the Journey, 


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