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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First week down!

Wow! is all I can say really...In just one short week I have learned so much about myself, my kiddos and feel so unbelievably blessed to have made this decision. I am definitely having to eat a little humble pie because I ignored the whole idea of homeschooling for so long.Now that we are in the midst of it I feel so strongly..like punch you in the stomach kind of serious...that we are on the right path. My girls are eager to learn and the structure that our daily schedule has provided is so necessary and embraced by all of us! There are a couple of things that I have found that I want to share: The must haves...can't live without and if you try you might as well lay in the middle of the floor and let meyhem take over..yep that's right!!: 1) A schedule is a MUST- not only is this important for your homeschooling records, but it will give you a sense of accomplishment & order to the day. I prep my schedule either the night before (ideal) or early in the morning... that leads me to my second point. 2) Rise and shine early before everyone wakes...I am kind of a "bloom where you're planted" kind of gal, but one of the things I don't truly love is waking up early. Mostly it's the waking up part, but every time I drag myself out of bed before the house awakes...I have such a better day! I have my devotional & Coffee Time, quick peek at the news, shower/ get ready for the day, touch up lesson plans, plan my menu for the day, prep breakfast all before my little "Boo" (my two year old) peaks her big blue eyes around the corner;-) I feel prepared and ready to go! 3) Dont be afraid to make Changes- This has been a hard one for me. I set out my homeschooling journey set on a curriculum that I had chosen for my girls. After diving in...I found that it just wasn't a good fit for us and I had to make a decision...battle on day after day...or simply find another solution. Prior to starting our homeschool journey, I found so many helpful ideas and tip online. There are so many amazing moms, with amazing ideas, with amazing blogs out there and I have gathered up ever ounce of wisdom they have made available let me tell ya... One that I LOVE LOVE LOVE is Confessions of a Homeschooler. I cannot say enough about this blog!! So many great, practical, whimsically creative ideas. I have chosen to use her curriculum as a roadmap and I am thrilled. I want to highlight her Road Trip USA Curriculum. This amazing curriculum is designed to take the kids on a journey across the USA and across history..just fabulous. We will also be adding her: Literature Units, Greatest Artist & Greatest Composers yay! 4)Be flexible- Sometimes it doesn't all come together the way you planned and that is okay..roll with it...make the best of it! Onward and Upward 5)When homeschooling with a crazy little monster...aka 2 year old roaming about...keep calm;-) haha- I had to remind myself of this often this week. My "plan" is to try my best to include her in our learning, have bribe toys that only come out during school time, save crafts & experiments for her nap time 6)Get Creative- When teaching two different grade levels- there are subject that we combine..such as..Art, Music, History/Geography, Bible, Science & Handwriting. When our group subjects are complete we then have a quick snack and set up for independent learning. I then rotate them- 1 at their desk (in their room) working on their journal jar, reading etc..while I work one on one with their other (math & language arts)..then we switch;-) This routine has worked out pretty well for us. Well..That's about it for now;-) Till next time... Sarah

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